Layout Design
The final design used for the layout can be found in the Construction Plans, sheet 6.There were a few considerations taken in the design of this RDC such as ease of access, safety, and waste management. This design was placed in a proposed 2.5 acre area just north of the main entrance. The two gray regions are both paved asphalt, one for the surface of the RDC, and the other as a roadway for high profile hauling vehicles. The RDC surface has a slope of 4%, while the paved area behind the RDC is at grade. The green and red areas located within the RDC design are concrete pads. The green area is the pad designated for customers drop their waste; it has a 2% slope. The red area is where the six bins will be located. Two of these bins will be used as reserve for future growth. The other four bins will be used as such: two for municipal solid waste (MSW), one for recycling, and one for green waste. Along with these four bins there will be another bin placed on the upper portion of the RDC for the disposal of ashes. This bin will have the dimensions of 6’3”x6’8”x5’5” .
Safety is an important consideration in the design of the RDC. Removable bollards and chains are to be placed outside of the bins in order to keep the customers and their vehicles away from the face of the bins. Attached to the chains will be signs that will show what waste goes into each bin. Another safety precaution is the installation of Jersey barriers along the sides of the RDC. These will be located 5 feet from the retaining walls. These barriers will serve to prevent vehicles from driving off the side of the RDC. Attached on the top of the retaining walls shall be railings for pedestrians walking between the railing and Jersey barriers. These safety precautions are necessary according to the International Building Code (IBC). A fire extinguisher shall be placed next to the ash bin for any precautionary fires that may start. There will be stairs placed on both sides of the RDC for both the use of the resident and the employees. The stairs located on the left side are for the access of the port-o-potty. The details for the stairs were found from panel built and can be found in the Construction Drawings, sheet C-3.